Sign up for our AI Workshop

Book one of our free workshops and uncover the opportunity AI offers your business.

What to expect

Our workshop is designed to help you understand if AI presents an opportunity for your customers and your business.

Step 1: Understand what's possible with AI
We begin with an overview of AI - from prompt engineering to the APIs of OpenAI, we offer applied examples of AI in business and hold plenty of space for questions.

Step 2: Learn how AI is relevant to your business
Once we've helped you understand what's possible with AI, we then help you uncover it’s potential to enhance your business. Together we look at your roadmap and prioritise the most valuable problems AI can solve.


How long does it take?
Our workshops usually last 3 hours and can be done in person or online.

Who should attend?

A senior team member or representative from Product, Design or Engineering. We can record any part of the workshop to share with your wider team too.

What's next?
A quick intro call to get on the same page and find a date that works. We'll cover all of the above and answer any further questions you may have.

Register for the workshop with our one-minute sign-up form below.

Planes helped me make sense of Generative AI. Not only did they fill in the gaps in my knowledge, they also gave me a greater understanding of how AI can be used in my business. I'm really excited to see how we apply my learnings. The workshop was good, really good.
Stephen Saw
Managing Director, Coleman Parkes
Sign up for our AI Workshop

Want to understand how AI could benefit your business?

Book a free workshop and we'll help educate you and your team on ways to solve your business challenges with generative AI.

Sign up
Sign up
Learn more about our work with AI
Not just a chatbot: Three learnings to help you integrate AI and GPT into your business
Angus Innes
GPT: More than just a ChatBot
Henry Kirkness
ALT AI: Using AI-generated image descriptions to make the internet more accessible
Hannah Bradridge
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